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A virtual Fellowship of Students,
learning Torah in light of Messiah,
Live from Israel every week.

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One Year
with Bible Teachers

Lars & John Enarson




sacrifices, rituals, and blood. This is the part of the Bible many Christians avoid—the Law of Moses (“Torah” in Hebrew). Isn’t the Law about rules, not relationship? Works, not grace?

Yet Jesus said, “If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me” (Jn 5:46). And King David said, “Oh how I love your Law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps 119). — How can that be?

GET A COMPREHENSIVE foundation in the Torah—the part of the Bible many Christians are least familiar with, yet which forms the basis for all Scriptural revelation.​ 

The Torah is an interpretive key that unlocks the rest of the Bible. Join an international, virtual fellowship of students learning Torah in light of Messiah.



October 7

ON THE ANNIVERSARY of Oct 7, 2024, join all Israel in studying Torah this year.

The enemy attacked Israel on “Simchat Torah,” the Celebration of God's Law. Since then, the People of Israel are moving ever closer to Torah. It’s time for Christians in the Nations to also understand it better.

Class Schedule

The first official week of class starts October 20, 2024, leading up to the Live Zoom on Saturday night, October 26, 8:00 pm Jerusalem Time.

Classes will continue each week, at least until the next Feast of Tabernacles, Fall 2025. Annual enrollment discounts end on October 25, 2024. But, you can still join on a monthly basis all year.

The Live Weekly Zoom Teachings take place at the end of each week, Saturdays from 8-9pm Jerusalem Time. This time corresponds to 5-6pm GMT, 1-2pm EST, 10-11am PST.

We are opening the first weekly lesson a bit early on October 15 to give everyone a chance to familiarize themselves with the material.

Until then, we encourage students to go through the “Welcome” and “Getting Started” sections of the Class beforehand.



Select Your Level to Enroll


“The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.”
—Exodus 33:11

Video Introduction Lessons

Live Weekly Zoom Teachings

Live Q&A Discussions

Become a committed and avid student of Torah, jumping in with both feet

Moses Level


Dive into the content at a level with high value & the most flexibility

“This Book of the Torah shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night.” —Joshua 1:8

Video Introduction Lessons

Live Weekly Zoom Teachings

Live Q&A Discussions

Joshua Level


For the busy & on-the-go, looking to join the fellowship

Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace” —Genesis 41:39-40

✔ Includes Torah Commentary Volumes*

✔ Includes Daily Bread Scripture Journal**

Downloadable Torah Commentary PDFs

✔ Access to Weekly Zoom Recordings

✔ Access to Fellowship Forum

✔ Support the Ministry and Scholarships

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” —Genesis 12:2

Video Introduction Lessons

Live Weekly Zoom Teachings

Live Q&A Discussions

Bless Israel and this ministry, while also helping fund scholarships for students who need it.

Abraham Level.png

Joseph Level

* Shipping not included.     ** While supplies last. Shipping not included.

Compare Learning Levels

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Bible teachers Lars and John Enarson who have a combined ministry experience of over 70 years, with decades living in Israel. For 12 years, Lars Enarson has worked on a complete Torah commentary to introduce Christians to Torah while staying focused on discipleship to Jesus.

LARS ENARSON is an author, prolific Bible teacher, international prayer leader, and has been in full time ministry since the early 1970s. His passion is to see a restoration in our day of the original, apostolic gospel from Jerusalem. Lars resides in Israel with his family, where he produces TV-programs and Prayer Alerts, with prophetic insights, reports, and specific prayer points about the present situation in the Middle East. 


JOHN ENARSON is an author and Bible teacher, passionate about making complex biblical topics accessible to regular people. He currently studies at the Scandinavian School of Theology and serves as the Christian Relations Director at Cry For Zion, helping Christians understand their history with the Temple Mount and how it relates to biblical theology and the Jewish people.


about Lars Enarson's Torah Commentary courses:

“You truly have given me ‘a new Bible’ through your Torah Commentaries.”

— B.E.

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The textbook for the class is Lars Enarson's beautiful hardcover, double-volume set, Messiah in the Torah, with 1,300 pages of extensive commentary, covering every Torah portion – plus five Festivals.

Also available on-the-go as weekly Downloadable PDFs

Torah Commentary

The Torah Class is based on the revolutionary One-Year Bible reading journal Daily Bread. It is the only daily Bible-reading plan that follows the weekly Torah Portion while completing the whole Bible in a year! (See its unique features here.)



Watch high quality, half hour introductions to each Torah Portion. First produced for television, these Intro Lessons were originally available at the highest level of our, now retired, WeeklyTorah program. We are happy to now offer them for every learning level.

Introduction Lessons


Join the Weekly Zoom Teachings featuring Lars and John Enarson. Each will dig deeper into the text and commentary: drawing connections and bringing the text to life. Saturdays, 8-9pm Jerusalem Time. Review anything you missed in the Zoom Recordings archive.

Live Teachings


Come with your best questions from the material and ask them during the Q&A Discussions of each Zoom Teaching. Lars and John will field your questions, tackling difficult topics and bringing clarity to the text.

Q&A Discussions


Fellowship Forum

Jump on the Fellowship Forum to interact with your cohort—discuss the material, get to know one another, and grow in the Lord—in a safe environment.

Are you interested?

When do Live Zoom Teachings work best for you?
Take our interest poll.


Moses Level

Video Introduction Lessons

Live Weekly Zoom Teachings

Live Q&A Discussions

Torah Commentary PDFs

Access to Zoom Recordings

Includes Daily Bread Scripture Journal**

Includes Torah Commentary Hardcover Volumes*

Access to Fellowship Forum

Joshua Level

Video Introduction Lessons

Live Weekly Zoom Teachings

Live Q&A Discussions

Torah Commentary PDFs

Access to Zoom Recordings

Includes Daily Bread Scripture Journal**

Joseph Level

Video Introduction Lessons

Live Weekly Zoom Teachings

Live Q&A Discussions

Abraham Level


Video Introduction Lessons

Live Weekly Zoom Teachings

Live Q&A Discussions

Torah Commentary PDFs


Access to Zoom Recordings


Includes Daily Bread Scripture Journal**


Includes Torah Commentary Hardcover Volumes*

Access to Fellowship Forum

Support the Ministry and Scholarships

$40 / month

Billed Annually 
$480 / year instead of $600


$50 / month

Billed Monthly


$33 / month

Billed Annually 
$396 / year instead of $480


$40 / month

Billed Monthly


$23 / month

Billed Annually 
$276 / year instead of $300


$25 / month

Billed Monthly



$1000 / year
Billed annually 


$100 / month

Billed Monthly


* Shipping not included.

** While supplies last. Shipping not included.



Are you outside of Europe and North America or someone without financial means? We are looking to make the class accessible to you. Apply for a scholarship to reduce your cost. We encourage you to complete and submit the application today!


Copyright © 2024 The Watchman International, Inc.


Lars is the founder and leader of several organisations, including his ministry The Watchman International, its publishing arm, Ariel Media; and two prayer networks: The Elijah Prayer Army, which focuses on Israel and the Middle East, as well as Norden 7:14, praying for the the Nordic nations of Europe.


© 2022 Lars Enarson

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